A pdf of my CV:
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Kyle Harper
Harvard University
Doctor of Philosophy, History 2007
Master of Arts, History 2003
University of Oklahoma
Bachelor of Arts, Letters, summa cum laude 2001
University of Oklahoma (2007-present) G.T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Liberty 2021-present
Professor of Classics & Letters 2014-present Affiliate Faculty, Department of History 2015-present
Associate Professor of Classics & Letters 2012-2014
Assistant Professor of Classics & Letters 2007-2012
Senior Advisor to the President 2020-present
Senior Vice President and Provost 2015-2020
Interim Senior Vice President and Provost 2014-2015
Senior Vice Provost 2013-2014
- Books
The Last Animal: A History of Humans and Other Animals from the Ice Age to the Sixth Extinction (in progress).
Plagues upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2021).
-A global history of the interplay between human social development and infectious diseases, spanning from our hominin ancestors to the present.
-PROSE Award Winner for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology category
-Translations in Chinese (simplified, complex), Italian, Japanese.
The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2017; paperback 2019).
–Translations in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Greek, Polish, Japanese, Korean, Czech, Chinese (complex and simplified)
-Wenjin Book Award, National Library of China, 2020
From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013; paperback 2016).
-Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion, American Academy of Religion, Historical Studies
–Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275-425 (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2011; paperback 2015).
-James Henry Breasted Prize, American Historical Association, 2012
-Outstanding Publication Award, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, 2012
- Articles & Chapters
“The First Plague Pandemic in Italy: The Written Sources,” Speculum 98.2 (April 2023).
“Plague,” Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th edition.
“Late Antique Economics,” Oxford Handbook of the Roman World, ed. Noel Lenski, under review.
“Deep History and Disease: Germs and Humanity’s Rise to Planetary Dominance,” in J. Thomas, ed., Altered Earth: Getting the Anthropocene Right (Cambridge, 2022) 106-29.
“‘L’esclave selon saint Augustin,” in P. Ismard (ed.) Les mondes des l’esclavage: une histoire comparée (Paris, 2021) 89-94.
“Germs and Empire,” in Harriet I. Flower (ed.) Empire and Religion in the Roman World (Cambridge, 2020) 13-34.
“Food Security in a Pre-modern Agrarian Empire: The Case of Rome,” in Food Insecurity: A Matter of Justice, Sovereignty, and Survival, eds. T. Mayer and M. Anderson (Routledge, 2020) 129-43.
“Germs, Genes, and Global History in the Age of COVID-19,” Journal of Global History 15 (2020) 350-62.
A. Düx et al., “Measles Virus and Rinderpest Virus Divergence Dated to the Sixth Century BCE,” Science 368 (2020) 1367-70.
“Establishing the Provenance of the Nazareth Inscription: Using Stable Isotopes to Resolve a Historic Controversy and Trace Ancient Marble Production,” with M. Engel, M. McCormick, M. Hamilton, R. Michel, C. Peiffert, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30 (2020) 102228.
“Why Democracy?,” Philosophy and Public Issues 9 (2019) 45-55.
“In the Shadow of Caesar,” Lapham’s Quarterly 12 (2019) 210-7.
“The Climate of the Fifth Century,” in The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation, eds. J. W. Drijvers, N. Lenski (Bari, 2019) 19-34.
“The Emperor and the Empty Tomb,” Los Angeles Review of Books (2018).
“Integrating the Natural Sciences and Roman History: Challenges and Prospects,” History Compass (2018) e12520.
With W. Scheidel, “Roman Slavery and the Idea of Slave Society,” What Is Slave Society?, ed. N. Lenski and C. Cameron (Cambridge, 2018) 86-105.
“Contours of Environmental Change and Human Response in Late Antiquity,” in A. Izdebski, M. Mulryan, eds., Environment and Society in the Long Late Antiquity (Leiden, 2018) 177-82.
“Invisible Environmental History: Infectious Disease in Late Antiquity,” in A. Izdebski, M. Mulryan, eds., Environment and Society in the Long Late Antiquity (Leiden, 2018) 118-34.
With M. McCormick, “Reconstructing the Roman Climate,” in W. Scheidel, ed., The Science of Roman History(Princeton, 2018) 11-52.
“La schiavitù nella tarda antichità e l’impatto del Cristianesimo,” Spartaco: Schiavi e padroni a Roma (Rome, 2017) 27-34.
“Geodatabase of Prices, Wages, and Rents in Roman Egypt, AD 1-700,” Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations (2016) at http://darmc.harvard.edu/.
“People, Plagues, and Prices in the Roman World: The Evidence from Egypt,” Journal of Economic History 76 (2016) 803-39.
“Another Eye-witness to the Plague Described by Cyprian and Notes on the ‘Persecution of Decius,’” Journal of Roman Archaeology 29 (2016) 473-6.
“Freedom, Slavery, and Female Sexual Honor in Antiquity,” in W. Scheidel, J. Bodel, On Human Bondage: After Slavery and Social Death (Wiley, 2016) 109-21.
“The Environmental Fall of the Roman Empire,” Daedalus 145 (2) (2016) 101-111.
“Christianity and the Roots of Human Dignity in Late Antiquity,” in Christianity and Freedom, Volume I: Historical Perspectives, eds. T. Shah, A. Hertzke (Cambridge, 2016) 123-48.
“Reply to John Brooke, on Civilization, Climate, and Malthus,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 46, no. 4 (2016) 579-84.
“Pandemics and Passages to Late Antiquity: Rethinking the Plague of c. 249-70 Described by Cyprian,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 28 (2015) 223-60.
“A Time to Die: Preliminary Notes on Seasonal Mortality in Late Antique Rome,” in eds. C. Laes, K. Mustakallio, V. Vuolanto, Children and Family in Late Antiquity. Life, Death and Interaction (Leuven, 2015) 15-34.
“Foreword,” Religious Freedom in America: Constitutional Dimensions and Contemporary Challenges, ed. A. Hertzke (Norman, 2015) xi-xiii.
“Landed Wealth in the Long Term: Patterns, Possibilities, Evidence,” in Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World, eds. P. Erdkamp, K. Verboven and A. Zuiderhoek (Oxford, 2015) 43-61.
“Civilization, Climate, and Malthus: The Rough Course of Global History,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 45, no. 4 (2015) 1-18.
“The Sentimental Family: A Biohistorical Perspective,” American Historical Review, 119, no. 5 (2014) 1547-1562.
“Culture, Nature, and History: The Case of Ancient Sexuality,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 55 (2013) 986-1016.
“Civilization, Climate, and Malthus: The Rough Course of Global History,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 45, no. 4 (2015) 1-18.
“The Sentimental Family: A Biohistorical Perspective,” American Historical Review, 119, no. 5 (2014) 1547-1562.
“Culture, Nature, and History: The Case of Ancient Sexuality,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 55 (2013) 986-1016.
“L’ordine sociale costantiniano: schiavitù, economia e aristocrazia,” in Costantino I: Enciclopedia Costantiniana sulla figura e l’immagine dell’imperatore del cosidetto editto di Milano, 313-2013, vol. 1 (Rome, 2013) 369-386.
“Geodatabase of Historical Evidence on Roman and Post-Roman Climate,” M. McCormick, K. Harper, A. More, K. Gibson, in M. McCormick et al. (eds.), Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations, (2012) at http://darmc.harvard.edu/.
“The End of Roman Slavery and the Idea of Transition,” in Forme di dipendenza nelle società di transizione: Atti del XXXII Colloquio Internazionale G.I.R.E.A., eds. A Pinzone, E. Caliri, R. Arcuri (Messina, 2012) 393-412.
“The Transformation of Roman Slavery: An Economic Myth?,” Antiquité tardive 20 (2012) 165-72.
“Marriage and Family in Late Antiquity,” in The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity, edited S. Johnson (Oxford, 2012) 667-714.
“Porneia: The Making of a Christian Sexual Norm,” Journal of Biblical Literature 131 (2012) 365-85.
“Climate Change during and after the Roman Empire: Reconstructing the Past from Scientific and Historical Evidence,” M. McCormick, Ulf Büntgen, M. Cane, E. Cook, K. Harper, P. Huybers, T. Litt, S. W. Manning, P. A. Mayewski, A. M. More, K. Nicolussi, W. Tegel, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 43 (2012) 169-220.
“The Senatus Consultum Claudianum in the Codex Theodosianus: Social History and Legal Texts,” Classical Quarterly 60.2 (2010) 610-38.
“Slave Prices in Late Antiquity (and in the Very Long Term),” Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte 59.2 (2010) 206-38.
“Lire les mutations de l’Antiquité tardive sous le prisme de l’esclavage,” Dialogues d’histoire ancienne 35.1 (2009) 197-208.
“The Greek Census Inscriptions of Late Antiquity,” Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008) 83-119.
- Book Reviews
Review of T. Urbainczyk, Slave Revolts in Antiquity, in New England Classical Journal 36.2 (2009) 127-9.
Review of Y. Rotman, Byzantine Slavery and the Mediterranean World, in Comparative Studies in Society and History, 52.4 (2010) 948-50.
Review of E. Lo Cascio, Crescita e declino: studi di storia dell’economia romana, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2010.04.28.
“Review Article: Knowledge, Ideology, and Skepticism in Ancient Slave Studies,” (review of N. McKeown, The Invention of Ancient Slavery, U. Roth, Thinking Tools: Ancient Slavery Between Evidence and Models, E. Dal Lago and C. Katsari, (eds.), Slave Systems Ancient and Modern, and Page duBois, Slavery: Antiquity and Its Legacy) American Journal of Philology 132.1 (2011) 160-68.
Review of U. Roth, (ed.), By the Sweat of Your Brow: Roman Slavery in its Socio-economic Setting, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2011.04.09.
Review of L. S. Nasrallah, Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture: The Second-century Church amid the Spaces of Empire, in Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 776-80.
Review of B. Dunning, Specters of Paul: Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought, in Journal of Late Antiquity 5 (2012) 216-18.
Review of H. Mouritsen, The Roman Freedman, in American Historical Review 117 (2012) 909-910.
Review of P. R. L. Brown, Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.02.35.
Review of B. Campbell, Rivers and the Power of Ancient Rome, in Journal of Interdisciplinary History 44 (2013) 115-116.
Review of S. Hin, The Demography of Roman Italy, in Journal of Roman Studies 104 (2014) 275-6.
Review of P. R. L. Brown, Treasure in Heaven, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 29 (2016) 975-7.
Review of M. Perry, Gender, Manumission, and the Roman Freedwoman, in American Historical Review 122 (2017) 563-4.
Review of E. Rebillard, Transformations of Religious Practice in Late Antiquity, in Journal of Roman Archaeology 30 (2017) 913-15.
Review of H. Weiss, ed. Megadrought and Collapse: From Early Agriculture to Angkor, in Current World Archaeology91 (2018) 57.
Review of J. Manning, The Open Sea: The Economic Life of the Ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the Rise of Rome, on EH.net, October 2018.
Review of K. Hopkins, C. Kelly, ed. Sociological Studies in Roman History, in Journal of Roman Studies 109 (2019) 346-8.
Review of M. Flexsenhar, Christians in Caesar’s Household: The Emperors’ Slaves in the Makings of Christianity, in Church History.
Review of M. Kulikowski, Tragedy of Empire, in Speculum.
- Encyclopedia Entries, etc.
“Predigtliteratur,” Handwoerterbuch der Antiken Sklaverei, ed. H. Heinen, et al. Lieferung I-III (Stuttgart, 2010) s.v. Predigtliteratur.
“Fessel/Fesselung,” Handwoerterbuch der Antiken Sklaverei, ed. H. Heinen, et al.
“Honestiores and humiliores,” “poor, the,” “slave mode of production,” “slave trade,” “slavery and freedom, Roman and post-Roman,” “social distinctions,” “social mobility,” “tenant,” in The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity.
- Works in Progress, Under Review, etc.
“Rights in Late Antiquity,” Cambridge History of Rights, vol. 1: The Ancient World (Cambridge) in progress.
“Turning Off Nature’s Thermostats: Technology, Ecology, and Deep History,” Robert Bellah Volume.
Stanford University, Classics Department, Visiting Scholar (2015)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Fellow (2013)
Institute for Advanced Study, Membership (2013-14) (declined)
American Council of Learned Societies, Fellowship (2013-14) (declined)
American Council of Learned Societies, Burkhardt Fellowship (2013-14) (declined)
Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University,
Fellowship (2013-14) (declined)
Radcliffe Institute, Fellowship (2013-14) (declined)
Dumbarton Oaks, Senior Fellowship (2013-14) (declined)
Irene Rothbaum Outstanding Assistant Professor Award (2011)
Whiting Foundation, Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2006-7)
Dumbarton Oaks, Junior Fellowship (2005-6)
Harvard University, Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (2003, 04, 05)
Sosland Family Fellowship, Harvard University (2001-2)
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Oklahoma (2001)
Phillip Nolan Outstanding Letters Senior, University of Oklahoma (2001)
Outstanding Classics Student, University of Oklahoma (2000)
Phillips Foundation, Future Leaders Fellow (2000)
Regents Scholar, University of Oklahoma (1998-2001)
“The Virtues and Higher Education,” co-PI with Linda Zagzebski and Nicole Campbell, The John Templeton Foundation, CY 2014, $195,000
“The Virtues and Higher Education,” co-PI with Linda Zagzebski, Nancy Snow, Nicole Campbell, Ryan Brown, and Gregg Garn, The John Templeton Foundation, 2015-17, $2,900,000
- University of Hawaii September 2022, Bergen Climate Conference September 2022, Notre Dame October 2022
- “The Long First Pandemic in Italy,” Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, April 2022
- “Transmission and Technology: How Humans Create Disease Networks,” McGill University, March 2022
- “Plagues, Past and Present,” Rose Maguire Lecture, Carleton University, March 2022
- “Globalizing the History of Disease,” ARCHAIA Workshop, Yale University, March 2022
- “Plagues in the Roman World,” AIA of Dallas/Ft. Worth, March 2022
- “New Frontiers in Ancient Plagues,” Iowa University Classics Colloquium, February 2022
- “How Diseases Shape the Course of Human History,” Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, February 2022
- “Plague in Antiquity: Biology and History,” University of Toronto, February, 2022
- “Turning Off Nature’s Thermostats,” Social Trends Institute, Barcelona, December 2021
- “When Pandemics Become Endemic,” Royal Society of Britain, Panel Discussion, November, 2021
- “Disease and the Great Divergence,” Harvard University, Department of Economics, Economic History Seminar, October 2021
- “Germs and Human History,” Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, October 2021
- “The First Pandemic in Italy,” First Plague Pandemic Conference, Hannover, September 2021
- “Climate Change and the End of Empires,” Zentrum Altertumswissenschaften Zurich, University of Zurich, May 2021
- “The New Science of Ancient Disease,” New Discoveries Seminar, Utrecht University, May 2021
- “The Science and History of Pandemics, Ancient and Modern,” NYU Center for Ancient Studies, Topics for Challenging Times Seminar, April 2021
- “Plagues, Ancient and Modern: The Romans and Their Diseases in Historical Perspective,” Mario and Antoinette Romano Lecture, Binghamton University, April 2021
- “The First Pandemic in Italy,” Épidémies antiques: problèmes et contextes, méthodes et documentation, ANR Pscheet, Paris, March 2021
- “Microbes and the Ancient Anthropocene,” University College Dublin, February 2021
- “Health and History in a time of Pandemic,” Edith Bleich Lecture, Miami University, February 2021
- “Late Antiquity and the Plague: The View from Italy,” King’s College London, January 2021
- “Sneezing in the Anthropocene: COVID-19 in Historical Perspective,” University of Oklahoma Humanities Forum
- “Institutional Stresses in an Era of Pandemic,” Munro Seminar, Western Washington University, October 2020
- “History, Biology, and the Antonine Plague,” Brown University, October 2020
- “Climate Change through History: What Can We Learn?” Green Alliance UK, September 2020
- “Homogenization and Divergence: The Global history of Infectious Disease in the 19th Century,” University of Oklahoma History of Science Colloquium, September 2020
- University of Toronto, April 2020, postponed
- “From Ancient Rome to Wuhan: The Ecology of Disease in Historical Perspective,” International Center for Animal Law and Policy webinar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, July 2020
- “Escape from Pandemics: Triumph or Delusion?” History Working Group Seminar, Hoover Institution, June 2020
- “Coronaviruses in Perspective: History and Human Respiratory Viruses,” Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, COVID-19 Webinar, May 2020
- “Plagues upon the Earth,” Davidson University, Social Distancing Lecture Series, April 2020
- Romano lecture, University of Binghamton, March 2020 [postponed]
- “Geography, Infectious Disease, and Economic History: The Known Unknown,” Yale Economic History, December 2019
- “Science and History: The Fall of Rome for the 21st Century,” de Braganca Lecture, George Washington University, September 2019
- “Malaria and Marriage: Recovering the History of Infectious Disease,” George Mason University, Economics Seminar, September 2019
- “Infecting the Planet, Disinfecting the Planet: Humans, Germs, and the Anthropocene,” University of Chicago, May 2019
- “The Fall of Rome: Complexity, Ecology, Parasites,” Santa Fe Institute, May 2019
- “The Biology of Roman Slavery,” Florida State University, April 2019
- “The First Plague Pandemic: From Global to Local,” Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity, keynote, March 2019
- “From Disease through Demography to Divergence: Thinking Geographically about the Origins of Development,” Northwestern University Economic History Seminar, February 2019
- “2000 Years of Public Health: From Ancient Plagues to Modern Pandemics,” Northwestern University, February 2019
- “The Fate of Rome,” Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, October 2018
- “How the Romans Died,” Max Planck Institute, Jena, March 2018
- “The Ice Age Cometh: The 536 Event as a Turning Point in Roman History,” University of Colorado, Boulder, February 2018
- “2000 Years of Public Health,” University of Oklahoma, College of Public Health Grand Rounds, January 2018
- “The Fate of Rome: Nature’s Triumph Over Human Ambition,” Smithsonian Institution, November 2017
- “Germs and Empire,” Princeton University, May 2017
- “New Directions in the Late Antique Family,” Ohio State University, April 2017
- “Framing the Fifth-Century Climate,” Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity, March 2017
- “Comment on Larry Hurtado, Destroyer of the Gods,” Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, November 2016
- “Nature Did It: Roman Empire, Ecology, and the Global History of Infectious Disease,” Harvard University, October 2016
- “Biology and History in the Anthropocene,” Panel, University of Chicago, October 2016
- “Quantifying Pandemic Mortality,” Yale University, May 2016
- “The Christianization of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity,” University of Freiburg, December 2015
- “Roman Slavery from the 2nd-6th CE. Continuities and Transformations,” LMU München, December 2015
- “The Environmental Fall of the Roman Empire,” University of Indiana, November 2015
- “Christianity and the Secularization of Sex,” Baylor University, November 2015
- “Taking the Plague of Cyprian Seriously,” Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November, 2015
- “The Origins of Human Rights: The Long View,” University of Missouri, February 2015
- “Rethinking the Plague of Cyprian: Pandemics and Passages to Late Antiquity,” Princeton University, December 2014
- “From Paganism to Prudery and Back Again? What Difference Did Christianity Make in the History of Sex,” University of South Carolina, October 2014
- “From Paganism to Prudery and Back Again? What Difference Did Christianity Make in the History of Sex,” Vanderbilt University, October 2014
- “The Interaction of Climate Change and the Disease Regime in the Roman Empire,” Environmental History Workshop, Columbia University, May 2014
- “Rights, Dignity, and History: Late Antiquity and Human Rights,” Christianity and Freedom, Vatican City, December 2013
- “Disease, Population, and the Fall of the Roman Empire: A Biohistory,” Encounters of Science and History, Initiative for the Science of the Human Past at Harvard University, November 2013
- “Slave Society and Late Antiquity,” delivered at What Is Slave Society?, University of Colorado, Boulder, September 2013
- “Population, Disease, Climate: The Significance of Late Antiquity,” Crossing Boundaries: Ancient History Explores its Future, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, December 2012
- “Debt, Slavery, and Institutions of Power between Antiquity and the Middle Ages,” Committee for the Study of Late Antiquity Workshop, Princeton, December 2012
- “The Sentimental Nuclear Family: A Biohistorical Approach,” workshop on Biology and History, UCLA, August 2012
- “‘Gold, A Hard-Working Slave’: Banking and Finance in Late Antiquity,” XVIth World Economic History Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2012
- “A Time to Die: Seasonal Mortality in Late Antique Rome,” Roman Family VI conference, Villa Lante, Rome, May 2012
- “Slavery, Sexual Honor, and Social Death in Classical Antiquity,” Brown University, “Understanding Slavery Thirty Years after Slavery and Social Death,” April 2012
- “Christian Sexuality and Socially-Imposed Monogamy: the Cultural Mediation of Sexual Competition,” Santa Fe Institute Working Group, “Cultural Processes That Give Rise to Social Monogamy,” Santa Fe, February 2012
- “From Shame to Sin: Social Aspects of the Christianization of Sex,” Princeton University History Department, February 2012
- “The End of Roman Slavery… Without Karl or Max,” Institute for Classical Studies, London, February 2012
- “From Shame to Sin: Social Aspects of the Christianization of Sex,” Cambridge University, Department of Classics, January 2012
- “The Science of Deep History: The Case of Monogamy,” TEDxOU conference, Norman, January 2012
- “From Shame to Sin: The Christianization of Sexuality in Late Antiquity,” University of Missouri, October 2011
- “Patterns of Landed Wealth in the Long Term,” Roman Society Research Center Colloquium, “Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World,” Brussels, May 2011
- “From Roman to Byzantine Slavery… Without Marx or Weber,” History Department, Harvard University, February 2011
- “The End of Roman Slavery… Without Marx or Weber,” History Department Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley, December 2010
- “Nature and Culture in the Study of Ancient Sexuality,” Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley, December 2010
- “Marriage and Family in Late Antiquity: What Did Christianity Change?,” panel keynote, International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Tartu, Estonia, July 2010
- “The New Coordinates of the Slave Trade in Late Antiquity: Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East,” American Historical Association, January 2010
- “Jesus, Paul, and Pagan Impostors: Narrative Imitation in the Roman Empire,” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, March 2010 and OU Department of Modern Languages, Faculty Lecture Series, November 2009
- “Climate and Economy in Late Antiquity: The Eastern Mediterranean,” Climate Change and the Fall of the Roman Empire, Dumbarton Oaks, April 2009
- “Shame and Sin: A Contrast of Cultures in Late Roman Fiction,” University of Oklahoma, Medieval Brown-Bag Presentation; annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, April 2009; Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity VIII, Bloomington, IN, April 2009
- “Honor and Shame in the Talmud: Echoes of Greek Romance in Avodah Zarah 18,” University of Oklahoma, Jewish Studies Program Brown-Bag Series, March 2009
- “The End of Ancient Slavery,” Washington and Lee University, May 2008, invited lecture
- “Greek Census Inscriptions: Dating and Context,” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, April 2008.